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How I overcame my struggle to show up & communicate (+ a very special announcement you don't wanna miss!)

Alright! Now that you’re all caught up on the basics, I’m gonna describe to you exactly how I did it & what ended up coming out of me!

Remember when I talked about Mercury (communication) & Saturn (limitation) & how they’ve played a role in my dropping off the face of the planet over the last year and a half or so?

*If you haven’t read my previous blog post where I cover why I struggled to communicate what's been going on in my life, you can read all about it here

Let’s give you some imagery on what this looks like...

Here are the details (it’s Virgo season y’all & Virgos LOVE detail):

  • My Natal Mercury is in Gate 12 in Gemini - on the bottom in 'mocha' (?)

  • Transiting Saturn was in Gate 22 in Pisces (from May 5th, the day I decided to go to Europe til August 25th, the day I decided I’m ready to share) - left in brown

Refresher: Gemini & Pisces form a square in Astrology, which is a harsh aspect, meaning it’s a tense relationship full of friction & challenge…

As you can see in the image above, Gate 12 is in black, means it’s consciously defined, meaning I’m aware of this dance I have to perform in my head before externalizing my thoughts.

If you're not familiar with Gate 12, here is a description:

"The Gate of Caution is the energy of speaking from the heart in an individual way. Depending on mood, it can either withdraw completely or be extremely communicative. It's all about the appropriate articulation of emotional moods. This is the energy that says 'I love you.' It can express itself through shyness as it's vulnerable. Gate 12 is more about the way things are said, rather than what is said. It releases individual emotions contained within the Solar Plexus, which could hurt others, so it's important to exercise restraint (especially when expressing oneself) in social settings. The Gate of Caution has a strong aura that communicates without speaking."

Gate 22 on the other hand is borrowed energy (I have it in red here because I JUST became aware of its influence last week as I was preparing to write this - mentally of course, I had no idea what was gonna come out of my mouth lol), so I consider this an unconscious force, especially since it’s not permanent, so pinning it down was unsurprisingly difficult - when I say the energy is unconscious, I mean it takes over my life sometimes & I have no idea it’s in the driver’s seat until I pause to take a look at who is driving the vehicle.

If you're not familiar with Gate 22, here is a description:

The Gate of Openness is about being open as an individual to hear the emotional wishes of the community. It's very moody - it will either push towards socializing or withdraw into isolation. Gate 22 brings emotional abundance, which empowers others and encourages them to move along their journey. This Gate puts huge pressure to express one's feelings. When Gate 22 is in a good mood, it has a magnetic natural charm that attracts others.

The silver lining you've been waiting for:

Even though Saturn is the most difficult planet in my chart (my malefic), in HD Saturn is exalted in Gate 22 (meaning it’s in a fancy airbnb where there’s a hot tub in the bathroom) 🎉 

Here is the keynote (description):

“The captivating charm and grace that comes from aligning one's actions and emotions in a harmonious and balanced way. For example, being able to move and speak with confidence and poise, and to express oneself in a way that is both genuine and polished.”

I know it would be super convenient to just bow down to Saturn in this moment & thank it for all the needless suffering I went through this last year & a half, for finally entering the stage that allows me to radiate victorious, like a warrior that just returned from battle… but the way I see it, the planets are just markers of a process that’s already taking place, an indicator if you will, a language to describe an experience that’s already underway. This is why I find it mostly useless doing transit horoscopes, cause you can pinpoint the vibe, but the experience is only really learned afterwards & by then most people have already moved on (also it takes a lot of energy & let's face it, my time is spent creating the new).

Anyways, back to how the 12-22 channel literally changed the course of my life… lol nbd

You’re gonna see firsthand how this manifested itself & tbh I’m so freaking excited to share this with you!

So for context, 12-22 connects the Emotional Solar Plexus to the throat, making anyone who possesses it an Emotional Manifestor! This is a powerful emotional wave full of creative energy, but can sometimes go completely mute when the energy isn’t right.

It’s really cool when you can keep track of the transits, because it’s so much easier to pinpoint what happened during that time, & this lended itself as the perfect experiment/case study! 

I say this because I spent a lot of time during the last 4 months silent about what I was going though, what I was creating, what was coming through me & all the projects I had cooking. I went through several quantum leaps & I’m virtually a different person. I guess it takes a second to really land before it’s even prudent to say anything… especially as someone with an Emotional Authority!

But beginning of August brought with it a STORM of creativity. I began to write & write, & reflect & create, & move & dance & birth… (I attribute all of this to Channel 12-22)

What was I birthing exactly??? (As a Manifestor people can sense this & get curious)

Well, it's time for the announcement (if you watched my interview with Nameh you may already know this 😉)

If you know anything about 12-22, you know that it’s INCREDIBLY musical… it’s auditory & sensitive to tone, it pays attention to how things are said, & how to say them according to who you’re speaking to.

So I wrote a song for each of the Human Design types!!!!! 🪩

Now I know what you're thinking...

Leila... you wrote MUSIC???

Shocking... am I right?? That’s a side of me I’ve never shared publicly before. Funny too cause I have Gate 51 defined through my Venus which is all about valuing shock, but like, in a beautiful & empowering sort of way (cause it's in Aries) 🔥

My friends from childhood know this about me though. If you’ve been around for the past 20 years you’ve heard me write a piece or two lol

It’s funny though, cause the inspiration was an unexpected interaction that touched me deeply…

I’ll be sharing more about that in the coming few days, but for now I want to bring it home to why I wrote this blog post in the first place.

*Cue the violin* 🎻

I’d love to tell you there was a magic pill that I took that made me realize that I could turn one of my biggest lifelong challenges into an opportunity that could potentially impact hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people (who knows!)

But there’s no magic pill.

What it really boiled down to was timing, patience, hope & awareness.

I practiced trusting myself and my process, reminding myself that the tough times will pass, because they always do…

I kept hope alive within me even when it seemed like things were gonna be hard forever (cause they were for a very long time), but above all, I think awareness was the biggest factor in allowing me to reframe my narrative.

Sometimes awareness is enough to change the course of our trajectory forever.

It’s like I mentioned earlier, sometimes you just gotta take a look at who is in the driver’s seat.

We don’t know until we know…

So offering ourselves grace until someone or something jogs our memory is the best self-care routine we can offer ourselves. (Funny too cause Gate 22 is all about Grace - I guess that's another one of my lessons that I hope you consider adopting, so you don't have to go through the same shit I did lol)

There’s beauty in the mystery, but there’s nothing more precious than the present moment.

That’s where all the gifts are!

Lol speaking of gifts, the music I created is my gift to you, to humanity, especially if you're feeling like you need someone to gas you up/make you feel good about yourself.

I know things are hard right now. Just know that you can always trust yourself to align with the perfect & unique trajectory you created for yourself...

And I'm here to remind you of that... and of who you are if you allow me to 🙏🏻

So if you don’t know your Human Design type, but still wanna know which song I wrote for you, head on over to this page, enter some birth details (don't worry I won't be able to see it unless you purchase a report from me) & it'll tell you exactly if you're one of these 5 types:

  • Manifestor

  • Generator

  • Manifesting Generator

  • Projector

  • Reflector

I'm so incredibly excited to share my music with you!

Keep a close eye on your email in the next few days for an update on launch dates ❤️‍🔥

Peep my celebration dance lol

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