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Code of Ethics

Galactic Blueprint has been grateful to draw on the collective wisdom of the psychotherapeutic and psychedelic fields. I wish to acknowledge the work of many organizations and individuals who have developed existing ethical guidelines, in particular The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, the American Psychological Association, the Council on Spiritual Practices, and The Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of Life in Our Professional Healing Relationships by Kylea Taylor, M.S., LMFT, from which this Code of Ethics was inspired.

Galactic Blueprint is committed to providing quality services and delivering ethical care within the confines of this business. As an organization, I take seriously my obligation to client safety and to reflecting internally to promote ethical growth in this work. In service to this commitment, Galactic Blueprint has established the following Code of Ethics. This Code will remain a living document to grow and adapt with the ongoing integration of feedback and evolution of needs over time.


For the purpose of protecting the safety and welfare of clients, the Galactic Blueprint Code of Ethics outlines ethical principles governing guidance given by me during shamanic, spiritual guidance and astrology reading sessions.

As a provider of astrological, shamanic and guidance services, it is my individual responsibility to aspire to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct. I agree to practice astrology, shamanism/animism and spiritual guidance within my scope of competence and in accordance with this Code of Ethics. I directly address concerns regarding ethical issues and use clinical judgment, supervision, and consultation when ethical dilemmas arise.

My work aims to provide an environment of safety and support for a person to engage with their own inner healing intelligence, one’s innate wisdom and ability to move towards wholeness and wellbeing. I act in the spirit of service to support each client’s connection to their own inner healing intelligence. I devote myself to establishing rapport based on trust, care, and attunement, and to support the client’s own unfolding experience.

Although I will not be providing any psychedelic medicines or substances to clients, my approach to healing and spiritual service may involve deep work with trauma and attachment. Therefore, I take seriously my obligation to participant safety.  This work requires an elevated quality of presence, tending to the process consistently during the phases of preparation and integration.

In order to provide impeccable care and to evolve ethically, I engage in practices of self-care, self-growth, and self-examination, aligning with my own inner healing intelligence. I give and receive feedback from mentors and colleagues, and participate in continuing education.

My work is founded on the practices of healers, explorers, researchers, and indigenous traditions which stretch back centuries. I honor these contributions and recognize the privilege of working with this ancient knowledge. The ability to participate in these healing practices, as ancient as they are innovative, is both a gift and a responsibility.

Ultimately, I envision a world where all people can access healing. I view my clients’ challenges, as well as their growth, within a greater web of relationships, acknowledging that trauma, as well as healing, is passed between people, across cultures, and through generations. I aim to validate and support the intrinsic wisdom and healing intelligence in others as well as in myself, in service to collective healing, liberation, and greater engagement in the fullness of life.

Code of Ethics


1. Safety 


I take measures to prevent psychological harm. 


I maintain responsibility for addressing crises to the best of my ability as long as the client is in session.


I provide referrals to other providers if I am no longer able to care for a client.


2. Confidentiality and Privacy 


I commit to the privacy of my clients and uphold professional standards of confidentiality.


I adhere to privacy laws and regulations, such as the HIPAA Act, and other local, State, and Federal statutes.


Exceptions to confidentiality include mandated reporting if there is reason to believe that a child, elderly person, or dependent adult is being abused or has been abused, if there is a serious threat to harm an identifiable victim, including oneself or another. Under these conditions, I release the minimum amount of information required.


I may occasionally discuss cases as part of professional consultation and supervision, in which my consultants and supervisors are also obligated to respect participant privacy. In this case, I will provide no personal identifying information.


I never release personal information about clients without their explicit permission.


I securely store session recordings. I promptly respond to breaches in confidentiality.


3. Transparency 


I respect clients’ autonomy and informed choice.


I inform clients if I have significant reason to believe they may not be benefitting from my sessions.


I accurately represent my background and training using appropriate terms according to applicable laws and professional code.


I obtain consent to record sessions when applicable and to use recordings solely for purposes explicitly agreed upon by the client, such as for the client’s personal use.


I inform clients in advance about the possibility of rescheduling due to emergencies. 


4. Rapport, Alliance and Trust 


I act in accordance with the trust placed in me by clients.


I aspire to create and maintain rapport and alliances built on trust, safety, and clear agreements, so that clients feel safe engaging in inner explorations.


I understand that the healing process is deeply personal; each client has different needs for support.


I treat people receiving services or reaching out for services with respect and compassion.


I acknowledge the inherent power differential between service providers (astrologers, psychologists, shamans) and clients and act conscientiously in the service of clients’ self-empowerment.


I avoid entering into dual relationships that are likely to lead to impaired professional judgment or exploitation. In cases where there is a dual relationship, I give special attention to issues of confidentiality, trust, communication, and boundaries, and seek supervision as needed.


I use careful judgment about any continuing interaction with existing or previous clients outside of session.


When working with couples or partners, I always consider the consent of both parties before conducting a reading. I also take into consideration potential conflicts of interest and strive to communicate openly and fairly with both parties. If one party treats the other with disrespect, I reserve the right to defend the disrespected party and end the session if I am so inclined.


5. Sexual Boundaries 


While I respect the sexual identities and expression of my clients, and validate clients’ processes that might relate to sexuality and sexual healing, I firmly maintain the responsibility of upholding clear professional boundaries and reserve the right to end a session if I am uncomfortable with the interaction.


Although all sessions will take place over Zoom, I vow to not engage in sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or sexual intimacy with a client, or a client’s spouse or partner, or immediate family member, during the coaching relationship or after the individual is no longer my client.


I commit to examining my own sexual countertransference, to not act in ways that create ambiguity or confusion about sexual boundaries, and to seek supervision as needed.


I aim to uphold clear sexual boundaries and ethics in my daily life.


6. Diversity 


I respect the value of diversity, as it is expressed in the various identities and experiences of my clients.


I do not condone or knowingly engage in discrimination. I do not refuse professional service to anyone on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.


I take steps to examine unconscious biases that I may hold and commit to ongoing self-reflection to unlearn oppressive patterns.


I make every effort to include people living with physical, mental, and cognitive disabilities.


I respect the unique experiences of my clients, and practice openness towards different peoples’ values, belief systems, and ways of healing.


I am attentive to the impact of power dynamics in my relationship with clients, particularly where there are differences in privilege, gender, race, age, culture, education, and/or socioeconomic status.


I strive to be honest with myself and with my clients about the limits of my understanding, and to hold genuine curiosity and interest as I relate to my clients’ experiences.


I aim to provide culturally-informed care, and seek education in support of greater cultural understanding. I refer participants to other providers as appropriate.


7. Special Considerations 


I examine my own actions and do not engage in coercive behavior.


I acknowledge the potential for strong, subtle, and complicated transference and countertransference, and, with that in mind, I practice self-awareness and self-examination, and seek supervision as needed.


I respect the spiritual autonomy of my clients. I practice vigilance in not letting my own attitudes or beliefs discount or pathologize my participants’ unique experiences. I hold and cultivate an expanded paradigm, which includes the experiences people have in extraordinary states.


I help support clients who may experience crisis or spiritual emergency related to psychedelic experiences to the best of my ability and within the scope of my knowledge and expertise or refer them to appropriate medical and psychological care, engaging the support of outside resources as needed.


8. Finances 


I disclose the cost of services and payment procedures prior to booking a session.


I do not take on or continue treating a client solely for financial gain; I only take on or continue to treat a client if I believe my services will add value to their lives or if the client chooses to continue working with me.


I do not accept payment or charge money for referrals.


I establish and maintain clear and honest business practices.


9. Competence 


I agree to practice within my scope of competence, training, and experience specific to the populations I am working with and the modalities I offer.


I agree to represent my work honestly and accurately.


I assess during my free 15-min consultation whether a potential client’s needs can be addressed within my scope of competence and, if not, make informed referrals to other providers and services.


I commit to ongoing professional development, seeking supervision and continuing education to further my skills and presence.


10. Relationship to Colleagues and the Profession 


I establish and maintain compassionate and positive working relationships with colleagues, in a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration.


To maintain the highest integrity in my practice, I agree to seek counsel with my colleagues and practitioners in both the astrological and psychedelic fields, being open to feedback when given, and offering feedback when it may be needed.


I am mindful of how I represent this work to the public, including through the media, social media, and public presentations.


11. Relationship to Self 


I commit to ongoing personal and professional self-reflection regarding ethics and integrity.


I adhere to an ongoing practice of self-compassion and self-inquiry.


I agree to seek professional assistance and community support for my own emotional challenges or personal conflicts, especially when, in my view or in the view of colleagues, they affect my capacity to provide ethical care to clients.


I subscribe to the value of humility, out of respect for the transformative power of the experiences I have the privilege to support, and out of respect for human dignity.

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